Wednesday, April 27, 2011

UK Toothpick Flags

The Union Jack Toothpick flags are back in stock! Click here to order the tiny flags for your next British themed party or picnic.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jewels of the Elements

We are happy to announce that we now carry beautiful necklaces, earrings and bracelets from Jewels of the Elements!

Jewels of the Elements features elegant, hand crafted jewelry inspired by the natural elements. Reveal your natural side and let the essence of Moon and Earth come alive through the creations of my custom jewelry.

The pieces are made up of a combination of semi-precious stones and gems, wooden beads, shells, pearls, ceramic beads, glass beads, hand crafted silver spirals, and much more.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

More Faery Songs

On Saturday we worked on "The Fairy Ring", an impish children's song, and "What Must a Fairy's Dream Be", a great song by Stephen Foster that we've never heard, or heard of, before.

I listened to what Carl had done over the week with "The Fairies". Wow! Just wait till you hear it!

We finished the day with "King of the Fairies", a traditional instrumental.

In the picture Carl plays the bodhran. You can't really see, but many years ago Carl's daughter adorned the head of this bodhran with some of her artwork. It doesn't seem to have effected the sound!


Friday, April 15, 2011

St George and The Wedding

Two British events happening later this month.

The lesser known event is St George's Day which occurs every April 23rd, which is the traditionally accepted date of Saint George's death in 303 AD.
At one time it was a traditional custom to wear a red rose in one's lapel on St George's Day. Another custom is to fly or adorn the St George's Cross flag in some way. We have a full selection of St George Cross flags and gift items.

The more well known British event is "The Wedding" on April 29. All I'm going to say about that is that we still have lots of Union Jack flags and gift items, so check it out if need something to adorn your wedding event.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

darachweb on Facebook

We're slowly coming into the 21st Century :) and have finally put a page on Facebook. You can see (and "like") us here: darachweb on Facebook

We'll be updating the events section so our families can see where we are and customers and friends can see where to find us!