Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Faery Place

NEW! You can now visit our Faery Place where you will find the Fairy Ring, Fairy Flags, Unicorn Flags and, coming soon, the CD of Faery songs, including Up The Airy Mountain, Fairy Ring, Tam Lin, Fairy Boy and much more!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Brittany Flag

New! We have the Brittany Flag! 3' by 5' in polyester with grommets for hanging.

We have five of the seven Celtic Nations flags. Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man and now Brittany.

You can find all of these flags Here!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Office Closed July 6 - July 11

We're off to North Carolina for the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games.

Our office will be closed July 6 to July 11. Orders can be placed during this time, and we will be checking emails. Orders placed during this time will be shipped as soon as possible after July 11.