Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More good news

More uplifting news.

Last summer at GMHG I purchased your recent album about the Faerie Folk
My wife and I enjoyed it and passed it on to my niece Katy
 Porter Perretto. Katy has an autistic daughter, Kristin, who enjoyed it
 very much. That makes it very special. Katy will be a GMHG this July and
 plans to look you up to thank you personally.
 Again, thanks for creating something that has meaning to one less
 Your, aye .
 Steve Kelley

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hearing from 'old' friends

Just heard from an old friend, she writes

Hi Carl,

I am in Thailand right now just wanted to let you know.

We had a Thai barbeque, it was lovely and we all danced to your great Scottish Music.
The children and I had a grand time, and loved it. Thought you would like to hear that your music was appreciated in another far off land.

From the wee Greenock lass.


Thank you Mary, always nice to hear from you. My book is nearly ready for editing and publishing, I'll keep you informed.
Cheers, Carl 
PS Love to hear from others


Tartan Day

Well here we are, Tartan Day again and this year I will be in Alexandria, VA. Celebrations will take place Saturday 6th April from 9am 'til 5pm in the Waterfront Park, rain or shine (let's hope for the latter of course) with vendors, clan tents and entertainment including myself as vendor and entertainer. Going to their web site for more info to share with you I found this: Let's have a grand turnout, spread the word.
Cheers, Carl

2014 Events in Washington, D.C Area

The National Capital Tartan Day Committee (NCTDC) general membership approved plans for Tartan Day events in 2014. These will include:
  • The Tartan Day Festival in Old Town Alexandria will return this year and be held for the first time at Waterfront Park on Saturday, 5 April . It will be open to the public, at no charge, from 9am throughout the afternoon until 5pm. Pipers, fiddlers and dancers will entertain; vendors and clan societies will set up their tents around the square. The local chapter of the Scottish American Military Society (SAMS), will partner with NCTDC on this event. Ralph Wallace (of SAMS as well as of NCTDC) will take the lead this year on organizing the Festival, with assistance from James Morrison and Douglas Brooks. 
  •  Tuesday, 9 April is the day selected for the Annual Capitol Hill Reception and Symposium in honor of Tartan Day, given where Easter and Passover fall this year and taking into account the scheduled congressional recess. The usual space in the Capitol Visitors’ Center (immediately adjacent to the U.S. Capitol Building) has been reserved for these events on that date. Given all the recent interest in MyClanOnline, congressional staffers suggested “Scotland and the Diaspora: Getting Connected for the 21st Century” as this year’s Symposium topic. The NCTDC membership endorsed this theme at its AGM this Saturday. John Bellassai will again chair the Symposium. Kathy Garrity and Andrea Scott will manage the Reception. Several potential speakers have already indicated their willingness to attend and participate. Attendance at the Capitol Hill events will again be by invitation only, as space is limited. To get on the guest list, contact John Bellassai (at 202/258-4876, or at j.bellassai@yahoo.com).
  • A very senior delegation of Scottish Government ministers will travel to Washington for Tartan Day this year and will attend the Symposium and Reception on Capitol Hill on the 9th. And the Scottish Coalition, USA is considering making their Annual Award at our Capitol Hill events again this year.
  • NCTDC will again partner with the St. Andrew’s Society to again sponsor a Reception to follow the Annual Kirkin’ of the Tartan, at the Washington on Sunday, 14 April. The Reception will be open to all members of the Society and their guests. A modest fee to cover catering and other costs will be charged. More information will follow. To RSVP in advance for the Reception, contact John Bellassai or David McKenzie.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Celebrate your Irish!

Everything Irish on darachweb.com is 17% off for the month of March! Show your Irish heritage all year long with our Irish flag items! Lots to choose from: Ireland Tricolour flag, Erin-go-bragh flag, the Guinness flag, and more!
See all of our Irish Flags