Sunday, November 19, 2017

Thanksgiving and Winter

Approaching Winter 2017

Well Folks here we are into November cold, cold, cold. But nevertheless frosty days are not too far ahead. Time to think of Thanksgiving and Christmas Just a reminder that my two books are still out there, my Scottish Faerie fantasy, Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae (kindle version available on for $0.99) and Now's the Day and Now's the Hour  about the Scottish influences at the Alamo that has a companion double CD about the music at the Alamo with Piper John MacGregor and fiddler Micajah Autry. Christmas is not far off, good Christmas gifts.
Also a reminder that we still have a lot of stock selling off at 50%, also good for Christmas, different size flags, patches, stickers, Scottish daggers, sgian dubhs, CDs music, books, jewelry. All at a great price.
Looking forward to a night at the Kutztown Folk Music Society November 10th.8:00 pm St. John's UCC, Kutztown, PA Hope to see a goodly turnout.
 Two Burns Suppers 
January 27 Robert Burns Dinner
Tucson, AZ
February 3 Robert Burns Supper
Cumberland, MD
Happy Thanksgiving to all here in the US this Thursday.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Warm November so far.

Approaching Winter 2017

Well Folks here we are into November. Still quite warm. Some of my plants and trees think we are coming into spring again. But nevertheless frosty days are not too far ahead. Time to think of Thanksing and Christmas Just a reminder that my two books are still out there, my Scottish Faerie fantasy, Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae and Now's the Day and Now's the Hour  about the Scottish influences at the Alamo that has a companion double CD about the music at the Alamo with Piper John MacGregor and fiddler Micajah Autry. Christmas is not far off, good Christmas gifts.
Also a reminder that we still have a lot of stock selling off at 50%, also good for Christmas, different size flags, patches, stickers, Scottish daggers, sgian dubhs, CDs music, books, jewelry. All at a great price.
Looking forward to a night at the Kutztown Folk Music Society November 10th.8:00 pm St. John's UCC, Kutztown, PA Hope to see a goodly turnout.
 Two Burns Suppers 
January 27 Robert Burns Dinner
Tucson, AZ
February 3 Robert Burns Supper
Cumberland, MD