Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The latest on my book, "Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae"

The latest on my book, "Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae"

Well folks, it's been quite a year so far. One Burns Dinner earlier in the year in Arizona and one festival in May in Fairhill MD. As of now it seems I will be starting the year of  by doing three Burns Dinners this coming January, but more on that later when details are taken care of. I had three glorious weeks in Scotland in June and for the rest of the summer when it was in the 90%s plus I ventured out only when it was cooler. Did get some sailing in for one weekend, played a lot of mini-golf, some driving range  and various other activities rather than doing festivals all summer. I did however finish book one of a proposed series, the first being "Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae". It is now at the publishers going for it's second round of editing. Not putting any definite dates for its release yet, just to say it's coming soon. I will of course keep you all up to date on the progress and I'm hoping it can be out round about or soon after Christmas. Already started the sequel book two. Her are some teasers.

The book description reads:
 In a new take on old tales, Carl R. Peterson combines fact, folklore, and fantasy into Ewan Colin Coupar and a Touch of the Fae, a story featuring a cast of Rockkin, Elves, Brownies, and Urisks, among other faerie folk, who mingle with humans in our own world. These encounters result in children who have a “touch of the Fae” through bloodline or other connections.
 Among these special children is Ewan Colin Coupar, a young boy who grew up in England but has now returned to his birthplace in Greenock, Scotland. Amid the tumultuous post-WWII atmosphere, he is delighted to find an escape from his worldly troubles in the wondrous realm of the Fae.
 Joining a number of kindred spirits—other children who possess a touch of the Fae as well as a minister pursuing his interest in faerie beings in spite of his faith—Ewan embarks on several adventures and befriends many faeries, including a Druid spirit named Winthrop.
 Little do they know that sinister forces are at work, seeking to steal the secrets of the past and the ancient knowledge of the Fae. Can Ewan and his friends put a stop to their malevolent plans?
Cheers, Carl

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