Saturday, October 13, 2018

The 2018 Pitlochry Highland Games

A man in a kilt....... finish the phrase.
While attending the Pitlochry Highland games (September 8th 2018) recently I found myself surrounded by six lovely lassies from Germany, curious to know what a Scottish festival was all about and what the most important event was. I pointed out that the most important events were equally the pipe bands, the dancers and the athletes. These events are essentially what a Scottish festival is all about. At these games there was also track and field events and cycling competitions but as I said not as important as the first three. Here in Scotland there are hardly any clan tents set up and no music tents. Believe it or not I was only one of a handful of spectators wearing a kilt not including the dancers, pipe bands and athletes. I will later on this week write more about the Pitlochry Games on my blog on my website It is by the way the last Scottish festival of the season in Scotland and it finished with a bang, lovely weather, 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky to start the day. More later.

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